The function of a Private DNS server

A Private DNS server appears to be something unique, as the name suggests. It creates a connection between your network and the Domain Name System server, preventing unauthorized access to data. These DNS networks are separate from the Public DNS. Think of it as a little private library with a selection of books. There are benefits and drawbacks to this. You will indeed be unable to read several genres of literature. However, there is one benefit: since your library is private, no one will know what you are reading.

Additionally, DNS over TLS (Transport Layer Security) or DNS over HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) are terms we use to refer to Private. This is due to the fact that all DNS queries are encrypted when using DoT (DNS over TLS) or DoH (DNS over HTTPS). This makes it much harder for nefarious third parties to watch your online behavior.

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GeoDNS is a critical component for your online business. We will see how it works in this article, why it is so beneficial, and where you can find it. But first, let’s start with a definition of the Domain Name System (DNS) before moving on to GeoDNS.

What is DNS?

DNS is a naming database system that locates and converts Internet domain names into IP addresses. Consider it as a directory or, more recently, your phone’s contacts list, where names and phone numbers are accurately linked.

The DNS directory is distributed globally and operates on a daily basis, assisting in the search and reach of millions of existing domain names.

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